Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Day Passed, Again

What a Day.

From 4pm till 10.35pm.

He's sure diligent, worked for more than 6 hours to earn RM80.

Really look up to him. Tough and Strong.

Mentally tired now.

Can't wait to get in my bed.

He can surely tell i live a boring life.

As i was struggling pretty hard to entertain him.

Love Guru, CJ 7, 我猜我猜我猜猜猜,分手擂台...

Laughed, really had fun.

Fortunately, mom baked cakes and toasted some homemade bread.

Or else, he'll eat us all alive for sure.

Hope that mug of MILO worked.

Yep, it's 10.35pm.

He departed.

Soon, it was his turn as well.

Let's just call it a night, shall we?

8 July 2009

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