Thursday, September 3, 2009

Somethin, I do not know for myself.

Today wasn't a great day, to be honest.
I wasn't happy.

Something is bothering me.
I couldn't do anything about it.
Or should i say,
I didn't?

Thanks for your concern,
I'm glad you were there.

I've always hoped someone or somebody,
anyone, anybody,
would be there for me.

I was desperately intend to speak my heart out.
No one was there.

I tried to control it.
Never let it control you, i spoke to myself.

I failed though.
It ran down,
What a drizzle.

Finally, i was asleep.
Yes, I am.

------------------------------------Divider, I'm----------------------------------------------

The Dale Carnegie Training ended a little while ago.
23rd of August.
It was such a nice day.

My mom and sister attended the convocation as well.
It was that day that i hoped that it would last longer.
The whole training.

To be honest,
I learnt a lot.
Fundamental Techniques in Handling People and Socialising.
How to Win Friends and Influence People.
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.
and so much more.

-What exactly is The Dale Carnegie Training?
-Who is Dale Carnegie anyways?

There's always the same question which people ask.
"Why can't you come on this Sunday?"
I'm attending a course.
"What course are you attending?"
Dale Carnegie Training.
"What exactly is that?"

I've tried answering that question before,
It's really tough.

Despite all my efforts explaining,
People wouldn't understand.
Some could,
Some could hardly.

Some people were flabbergasted upon hearing the fee.
I'm not surprised to see people surprised.
I know it ain't cheap,
Yet, it's totally worth it.

I'm always anxious about something.
I've told some of my friends about this training.
So i believe they would hardly not take me as an example or this training.
So how i behave and how i communicate,
what i do,
how i rectify a problem.

I believe they would just think,
"Cheh, after paying so much money for the cost,
you're still the same,
no changes at all"

I do know that people won't say this kind of things in front of me.
That's why i'm afraid and worried.

To be honest, i'm trying really hard to change my life.
Just give me some time, kay?
I really want a better life.
I'm trying really hard to apply those principles into my life,
especially school life.

If only some of my friends had also attended the training.
Then they would know the importance of those principles.
And therefore lead a better life like never before.

I'm having a grudge for those who talk bad about people,
not to even mention criticism.
I'm already trying to hold back whenever i feel like criticising,
as the 1st principle's always on my mind.

But the stop worrying and start living thingy,
i'm still on it.
Give me some time, i'll work it out.

Principle No. 5
[Keep on SMILING] ShinN~
It does make a difference.


  1. Bogeh~ haha =D
    everyone would c ur changes~
    juz like ur version of "no pork at all"
    it's really funny~ hehe...
    Add oil add oil~

  2. haha...
    Thanks orh~~
    hehe, no pork...
